Apply for authorisation for demolition and renovation work in the presence of asbestos in weakly bound form
If you want to carry out renovation or demolition work in the presence of asbestos in a weakly bound form, you need a licence, which you must apply for from the responsible authority.
For renovation or demolition work in the presence of asbestos with high fibre release, you need an approval as a specialist company. This applies in particular to work where asbestos is present in a weakly bound form.
Responsible department
For specialised companies based in Baden-Württemberg, the locally responsible regional council.
The following requirements must be met for authorisation for demolition and renovation work in the presence of asbestos in weakly bound form:
- Proof of the necessary personnel and safety equipment to the required extent
After you have applied for authorisation for demolition and renovation work in the presence of asbestos in weakly bound form, the competent authority will review your application and request additional documents if necessary.
Required documents
The following information and documents are required to apply for authorisation for demolition and renovation work in the presence of asbestos in weakly bound form:
- Details of the applicant company and the person authorised to represent it
- Details of dependent branches
- Details of competent responsible persons, including the date of the training course
- Details of competent persons for the operation and monitoring of safety equipment
- Details of persons authorised to operate, maintain and test the breathing apparatus
- Number of other employees who carry out activities involving asbestos
- Details of other specialised personnel
- Information on safety equipment
- Equipment
- Personnel airlocks
- Material airlocks
- Filter systems
- Industrial vacuum cleaners
- High-performance vacuum cleaners
- Waste water collection tanks, waste water filter systems
- Vacuum monitoring and recording devices
- Low pressure sprayers
- Respiratory protection with/without blower support
- Protective clothing
- Equipment cleaning systems
- Solidification equipment
- Other waste treatment equipment
- Communication equipment
- Break/standby rooms
- Sanitary facilities
- Waste disposal
- Cleaning of work and protective clothing
2100 € to 7000 €
Legal basis
Verordnung zum Schutz vor Gefahrstoffen (Gefahrstoffverordnung – GefStoffV)
- § 8 Absatz 8 Allgemeine Schutzmaßnahmen
- Anhang I, Nummer 2.4.2 Absatz 4 Ergänzende Vorschriften zum Schutz gegen die Gefährdung durch Asbest
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 24.05.2024