Bicycle Traffic Concept
Bicycle traffic development concept
The administration is currently working on the bicycle traffic development concept with the participation of associations and public sector bodies as well as the focus group for bicycle / pedestrian traffic / public transport of the workshop process of the city of Heidenheim decided by the city of Heidenheim. The bicycle traffic development concept will then serve as a guideline for the Heidenheim city administration in the following years.
Bicycle parking
The city of Heidenheim has set up a parking concept for bicycles in the city center. The current front wheel stands are gradually being replaced by more user-friendly bracket holders, supplemented or new ones are being set up at other locations.
- Parking concept (1.6 MB)
Construction of a bicycle parking facility at Heidenheim station
The city of Heidenheim has had a bicycle traffic development concept since March 2015. The Infrastructure Service field of action includes bicycle parking. Safe parking near the train station as a mobility hub is an important issue here.

Due to the high demand for secure parking spaces in the area of the train station / ZOH / ZOB mobility hub, the offer is to be expanded. This makes the networking of the different modes of transport even more attractive: A safe parking space near the train station for high-quality bicycles such as pedelecs and e-bikes, but also for commuters and short-term users / day tourists with luggage, is an important and priority objective. This is confirmed in the second Effectiveness control of the state of Baden-Württemberg on bicycle traffic 2014/2015 and in the climate tests of the ADFC.
There are plans to build bicycle boxes and a bicycle garage in the area in front of the station. The bike boxes are stacked.The advantage of having two boxes on top of each other is the reduced space requirement compared to single-story variants. Double-decker parkers are also provided in the collective garage. A total of 56 storage spaces can be created.Access is controlled via an app. The bicycle boxes are equipped with electrical connections for the pedelecs. In addition to this project, roofed leaning brackets will be installed on the platform on platform 1 as part of the platform elevation.Thus, the entire range of bicycle parking options is available.
“With the National Climate Protection Initiative, the Federal Environment Ministry has been initiating and funding numerous projects since 2008 that make a contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Your programs and projects cover a wide range of climate protection activities: from the development of long-term strategies to specific assistance and investment support measures. This diversity guarantees good ideas. The national climate protection initiative contributes to anchoring climate protection locally. Consumers as well as companies, municipalities and educational institutions benefit from it. "
The project “Construction of a collective locking system at Heidenheim train station (grant number: 03K12586) started construction in October 2020 and will be completed with acceptance in December 2020.
Further project funding is provided by the state of Baden-Württemberg within the framework of the State Municipality Transport Financing Act (LGVFG). The parking facility will go into operation in spring 2021.
School cycle route map
Here is an overview of the school cycle route map:
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