town hall

Life situations

Building-specific energy-efficient refurbishment roadmap

The Baden-Württemberg building-specific energy-efficient refurbishment roadmap is

  • an advisory tool for with building ownership and
  • a fulfilment for compliance with the Renewable Heat Act (EWärmeG).

The aim is to develop and communicate a refurbishment strategy for an individual building. the German government's energy policy goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2045. The state of Baden-Württemberg like achieve this goal five years earlier.

you submit a renovation for residential buildings to the responsible lower building authority , this reduces the mandatory proportion of the Renewable Heat Act (EWärmeG) from 15 % to 10 %.
It is a useful addition for some fulfilment options provided for in the EWärmeG. For non-residential buildings,youa refurbishment roadmap to fully fulfil the legal requirements of the EWärmeG. are not obliged to implement the measures proposed in the plan.

Reports drawn up in accordance with the specifications of the on-site consultation of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) are recognised for residential buildings in order to comply with the law. The prerequisite is that they are not older than five years at the time of the heating renovation. The individual refurbishment roadmap developed by the federal government is recognised as equivalent to the on-site energy consultation for residential buildings and can therefore be taken into account for the purposes of the EWärmeG.

Legal basis

  • Gesetz zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Wärmeenergie in Baden-Württemberg (Erneuerbare-Wärme-Gesetz – EWärmeG)
  • Verordnung der Landesregierung zum gebäudeindividuellen energetischen Sanierungsfahrplan Baden-Württemberg (Sanierungsfahrplan-Verordnung – SFP-VO)

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 24.06.2024


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