town hall

Life situations

Finishing the Course of Study

If you have successfully completed your course of study or terminated it at an early stage, have definitely lost your entitlement to take examinations or have not registered back, you will be removed from the register of students at your institution of higher education.

Once you have finished your course of study (removal from the register of students), a lot of financial assistance also finishes (e.g. grant for students, right to child benefit, child allowance, family health insurance). You therefore have to inform the relevant authorities, if applicable your employer and your health insurance fund about finishing your course.

Tip: The higher education teams of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit and also the Career Service/Career Center at your institution of higher education offer advice and other services (e.g. seminars, offers of further education, contact to employers, job exchanges and training in applying for jobs). You can also find contact to potential employers through the Alumni Associations of your institution of higher education.

To the procedures and services

Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Wissenschaftsministerium released it on 11.03.2019. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.
In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32