town hall

Life situations

Further Information and Links

Information on Study Options

  • Portail du Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
  • Studien- & Berufswahl
    Choice of Study and Profession
  • Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (successor of ZVS)
  • BERUFEnet
    contains information on careers, which generally require a course of study
    Magazine on career choices – publishes ten times a year current reports on different degrees
    database for training and further education which contains information on courses of study
  • Netzwerk "Wege ins Studium"
    Network "Study Opportunities" – informs and gives advice on all matters related to studying
  • Hochschulkompass der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz
    Higher Education Compass of the Higher Education Institutions – gives information on all German institutions of higher education
    The portal for women in science and technology contains information for women taking technical courses, e.g. on additional offers such as the summer university's informatica feminale Baden-Württemberg.

Student Union ("Studentenwerk")

  • Deutsches Studentenwerk
    German Student Unions
  • At present there are nine Student Unions in Baden-Wuerttemberg with locations in all nine university towns. You can find them in our Government Agency Help Site.
  • On the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Researchyou will find a Student Union Directory (Grants Office), which is responsible for issuing grants for education outside the Federal Republic of Germany.

Study Place Exchange

Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst released it on 27.05.2024. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.
In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32