town hall

Life situations

Social Matters

Students can claim a large amount of help in coping with everyday life at university. In such a case, they can contact the students' unions, whose job it is to support and promote students in economic, social, health related and cultural matters.

There are currently eight students' unions in Baden-Württemberg.

So that the students' unions are able to fulfil these tasks, the students pay a students' union contribution each semester.


As a cheap and proportional form of accommodation for students, the students' unions in Baden-Württemberg offer spaces in their student halls of residence where available. You should apply for these in good time (at the same time as the application for the course of study, at the latest following receipt of the acceptance notice).

Alongside the students' unions, churches, cities and other providers offer places in their halls of residence.

When searching for accommodation on the open market, you can obtain support from the local students' union by means of their private accommodation brokerage service. You can find information in this respect on the website of the students' union which is responsible for you.


The students' unions offer good value and health food in their restaurants and cafeterias. They offer set menus, as well as snacks during breaks.


Secured finance is a prerequisite for any course of study. The student financing departments at the students' unions provide advice concerning money matters in various forms during the course of study. In particular, these process applications for BAföG support. In addition, the student financing departments also provide advice concerning additional sources of finance, such as a KfW loan, educational loan and similar and also provide information concerning grants.

Local public transport - StudiTicket

The students' unions in Baden-Württemberg offer discounts on local public transport at several study location in co-operation with the local transportation companies.

In order to finance this, the students at locations where this option is available pay a "solidarity supplement" together with the students' union contribution. In return for this solidarity supplement, you can use local public transport in the evenings without any additional costs. Whoever wishes to use public transport outside of the local area must purchase a so-called "StudiTicket". However because it is co-financed by the solidarity supplement, this is cheaper than standard tickets. Further information concerning the "StudiTicket" can be obtained from the students' union which is responsible for you.

In addition, so-called car-sharing centres provide affordable alternatives for journeys home.

Studying with children

Pregnancy and bringing up children whilst studying present a special challenge to students. Also here, the students' unions can provide assistance to parents who are studying, for example by maintaining their own childcare facilities at several study locations, whose services are specifically tailored to everyday student life. Further information can be obtained from the students' union which is responsible for you.

Tip: The "child support - services at universities in Baden-Württemberg" which is supported by the Ministry of Science, Research and Art of Baden-Württemberg helps students and members of higher education institutions with children to find a suitable childcare place.

During maternity leave or during parental leave, you can apply for release from your studies. During the period of release, you can still participate in classes and use the facilities of your university.


Comprehensive information concerning courses of study and disabilities can be found in the brochure of Deutsches Studentenwerk of the same name.

Psychotherapeutic advice

Psychotherapeutic advice centres (PBS) exist at all eight students' unions. These are intended for students who are experiencing problems with their studies or personal issues.

The PB's offer various advice and support services (for example individual advice, advice for couples, group advice, advice via the Internet and email). The contact persons can be found at the respective students' union.

Social advice

Social advice is the first point of contact at a students' union for students in most cases. It offers advice and information in relation to the social and economic position of students and provides orientation and decision making assistance in case of a variety of problems (for example concerning coverage under statutory social security).

Tip: Alongside the services named in detail, the students' unions in Baden-Württemberg also provide additional support and advice services. These include: Students' union loans on favourable terms for disadvantaged students, psychological support, legal advice, cultural events, student accommodation and much more. Please enquire locally about the services at your university location.

Cultural support

The students' unions provide students with rooms or technical facilities, support cultural projects and offer courses or workshops. Please enquire locally about the services at your university location.

Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Wissenschaftsministerium released it on 25.05.2018. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.
In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.


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