town hall
Procedure descriptions

Abendgymnasium - Apply for admission

At the Abendgymnasium, adults with several years of professional activity can obtain the general higher education entrance qualification while working. Classes are usually held in the evening or, in exceptional cases, at the weekend.

The evening grammar school lasts

  • three to three and a half years for those with a Realschulabschluss or equivalent level of education, and
  • four years for those without a Realschulabschluss or equivalent.

It is divided into the following courses:

  • one-year preliminary course (only for persons without a Realschulabschluss or equivalent level of education)
  • one-year introductory phase
  • two-year course phase.

Persons without a Realschule certificate are awarded an equivalent level of education to the Realschule certificate when they transfer to the course system.

At the end of the first year of the course phase, you will be awarded the Fachhochschulreife if you

  • you have achieved the required academic performance and
  • prove that you have completed at least two years of vocational training, at least one year of work experience or a voluntary social or ecological year, military or alternative service or federal voluntary service.

If you pass the Abitur examination, you acquire the general higher education entrance qualification. You may then study at all universities in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Responsible department

the respective evening grammar school



  • You are at least 18 years old.
  • You can prove that you have completed the Realschule or an equivalent level of education or have duly attended the preliminary course.
  • You have completed at least two years of vocational training or can provide evidence of at least two years of regulated professional activity. The management of a family household is considered equivalent to professional activity. Periods of military or civilian service, development service or voluntary social or ecological year may be recognised.
  • You will be continuously employed while attending the Abendgymnasium (exception: the last three school semesters).
  • You have not already obtained the certificate of general or subject-linked higher education entrance qualification elsewhere.
  • They have notalready been refused the award of the general or subject-specific higher education entrancequalification twice, whereby the non-award of the higher education entrance qualification at the Gymnasium is not taken into consideration if the entrance examination for the Kolleg has been passed.

Notice: You are unemployed and want to attend the Abendgymnasium? Have your unemployment certified by the Employment Agency. In justified exceptional cases, unemployment can be credited towards part of the required period of employment.


You must register in person at the Abendgymnasium of your choice. Ask there about the registration procedure. Some Abendgymnasien offer an application form for download on their pages.

The school management will assess your educational and vocational qualifications on the basis of the information you provide. They will inform you in writing whether they have admitted you to the preliminary course or the introductory phase.


The school administration will inform you about the admission dates.

Required documents

  • Photo
  • Curriculum vitae
  • last school report from a general school
  • Proof of vocational training, e.g.
    • Certificate
    • Certificate from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce or the Chamber of Crafts or
  • Proof of at least one year's work experience (if starting in the preliminary course) or
  • Proof of at least two years of professional activity (if starting in the introductory phase)


The individual Abendgymnasien charge different fees.


You are no longer employed from the beginning of the second semester of the course phase? In this case, you can apply for funding under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG).


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32