Accident insurance - register day care
As a day care worker, you must register yourself with the accident insurance. You are then insured for accidents at work, commuting accidents and occupational diseases.
Attention: Even if you have taken out private accident insurance, you still have to take out compulsory insurance.
The Employer's Liability Insurance Association calculates and sets the annual premium for the current year retroactively only in the following year.
Responsible department
the Employer's Liability Insurance Association for Health Services and Welfare Care
The prerequisite is that you are a self-employed day care worker. This is usually the case if you look after several children (at most five foreign children) from different families. It is irrelevant whether you look after them at home or in other suitable rooms.
This also applies to
- self-employed day carers who look after children from only one family and
- day carers arranged and financed by the Youth Welfare Office within the meaning of § 23 SGB VII.
Exceptions are possible.
Day carers who are employed in the household of the child to be cared for are not legally insured against accidents as employees of the household via the BGW, but via the public accident insurance institutions, in Baden-Württemberg the Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg.
You must register with the Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege within one week of starting work. You can register online. If you register informally, you must provide the following information:
- Name
- Address
- Type and object of the business
- Date when you started your self-employed activity
within one week after taking up the activity
Required documents
- for registration: none
- for insurance: annual fee in different amounts
Legal basis
Sozialgesetzbuch Siebtes Buch (SGB VII)
- § 2 Versicherung kraft Gesetzes
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 10.07.2024