Activities with pathogens - indicate commencement of activity
Do you have a licence to work with pathogens and now want to take up this activity for the first time? You must notify the competent authority of the activity.
Note: You require a licence to work with pathogens if you want to import pathogens
- import pathogens into Germany,
- export them,
- store them,
- dispense them or
- want to work with them.
Pathogens are viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and other pathogens that can cause an infection or transmissible disease in humans.
Even if you are exempt from the authorisation requirement, you must report the commencement of the activity.
Responsible department
The Regional Council of Tübingen
There is no danger to the health of the population. Above all
- suitable rooms or facilities must be available for the type and scope of the activities and
- the conditions for safe disposal must be met.
You can submit the notification informally to the responsible office. A form can be found on the Internet.
Your notification must include the following:
- Information on the type and scope of the intended activities and the disposal measures
- Information on the nature of the rooms and facilities
- if necessary: Information on the exemption from authorisation
The authority will check your documents and carry out an on-site inspection if necessary. It will decide
- whether you are authorised to take up the intended activity with pathogens or
- whether you are prohibited from carrying out the activity.
at least 30 days before the planned start of the activity
Note: If the authority agrees, you can start work before this period expires.
Required documents
- if another regional council has issued a licence to work with pathogens: Certified copy of the licence
- Documents on the type and scope of the intended activities and on the disposal measures (e.g. organisation plan, hygiene concept, disposal concept)
- Documents on the nature of the rooms and facilities (e.g. floor plan, room plan)
EUR 50.00 to EUR 2,000 depending on expenditure
Processing time
The competent authority usually makes a decision within two to four weeks of receiving the complete documentation.
You must notify the competent authority immediately of the following:
- any significant change (e.g. type and scope of activity, nature of the premises and facilities, disposal measures)
- Termination or resumption of the activity
Detailed information
Legal basis
Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG):
- § 49 Anzeigepflichten
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 22.01.2025