town hall
Procedure descriptions

Apply for a driving school licence

The training of learner drivers may only take place in a recognised driving school. This requires a driving school licence in accordance with the Driving Instructors Act.

Anyone who trains persons who wish to acquire a licence to drive motor vehicles (learner drivers) requires a driving instructor licence. The driving instructor licence is issued on application in category BE and additionally in categories A, CE and DE. The driving instructor licence may only be used together with the driving school licence or as part of an employment or training relationship with the owner of a driving school. If several classrooms are operated, a branch licence must be applied for for each additional room.

Responsible department

is the authority responsible for driving schools at the planned location of the driving school.

This is

  • if you live in a city district: the city administration
  • if you live in a rural district: the district administration



The driving school licence is issued if

  • You are at least 25 years old and there are no facts that make you appear unreliable for driving school,
  • there are no facts that justify the assumption that you are unable to fulfil the obligations under Section 29 of the Driving Instructors Act (FahrlG),
  • You hold a driving instructor licence for the class(es) for which you are applying for a driving instructor licence,
  • You have worked full-time as a driving instructor for at least two years as part of an employment relationship,
  • You have successfully completed a driving school business management course of at least 70 hours of 45 minutes each,
  • You have the required teaching room, the required teaching materials and the teaching vehicles intended for driving training at your disposal.

If the driving school licence is to apply to a legal entity (e.g. a company under civil law or a limited liability company), a responsible manager must be appointed for the driving school. This responsible management must in particular guarantee that the requirements of § 29 FahrlG are met. The personal requirements for the issuing of the driving school licence, such as minimum age, reliability, employment as a driving instructor, possession of the driving instructor licence and participation in the driving school business management course must be fulfilled by the responsible management. The material requirements, such as classroom, teaching materials and training vehicles, must be demonstrated by the owner of the future driving school. The owner of the driving school must be authorised to represent the future driving school either by law, articles of association or individual power of attorney.


You submit an application for a driving school licence to the authority responsible for you:

  • You submit all the necessary documents to the authority or have applied for the relevant evidence (such as a certificate of good conduct).
  • The staff at the competent authority will check your application and the documents submitted.
  • As part of the recognition process, the driving school premises, teaching materials and training vehicles will be inspected.
  • For this purpose, the authority or an authorised person or institution will arrange an appointment with you.
  • If all requirements for the issue of the driving school licence are met, you will receive the driving school licence in writing.


The driving school may only be operated from the date on which the driving school licence is issued. The application for a driving school licence should therefore be submitted in good time before the planned opening.

Required documents

You must state the name and address of the driving school in the application. You must also state the classes for which the driving school licence is to be valid.

You must enclose the following documents with the application:

  • officially certified copy or copy of the driving instructor's licence,
  • Documents and proof of your activity as a driving instructor (at least two years of full-time employment)
  • Certificate of participation in a driving school management course,
  • a declaration as to whether a driving school licence has already been issued and, if so, by which authority,
  • a true-to-scale plan of the classroom or classrooms, including details of the equipment,
  • proof of the authorisation to use the planned classrooms,
  • a declaration that the necessary teaching materials are available,
  • a list of the type and number of training vehicles,
  • an extract from the central trade register, which must not be older than three months,
  • a confirmation from the responsible tax authority that the tax obligations have been fulfilled
  • a certificate of good conduct within the meaning of Section 30a(1)(1) of the Federal Central Criminal Register Act(extended certificate of good conduct) for submission to an authority (must be applied for at the town hall of your place of residence).

If you are applying for a driving school licence for a legal entity, the following documents are also required:

  • Copy of the articles of association,
  • Extract from the commercial register,
  • Certificates of good conduct within the meaning of § 30a paragraph 1 number 1 of the Federal Central Register Act (extended certificate of good conduct) for submission to an authority for each representative of the legal entity,
  • Details of the responsible management of the driving school,
  • a written declaration on the other professional obligations of the responsible management.


Fees for the issue of a driving school licence amount to

eUR 102.00 for the issue to a natural person or EUR 153.00 for the issue to a legal entity or partnership with legal capacity.

In addition, there are the costs for the acceptance and inspection of the driving school premises, the teaching materials and driving school vehicles, as well as the costs for the certificate of good conduct.


Holders of a driving school licence can operate so-called branch offices at additional locations. This requires a branch licence in accordance with § 27 FahrlG .

Legal basis

Fahrlehrergesetz (FahrlG):

  • § 17 Erfordernis und Inhalt der Fahrschulerlaubnis
  • § 18 Voraussetzungen der Fahrschulerlaubnis
  • § 22 Antrag auf Erteilung einer Fahrschulerlaubnis
  • § 26 Erteilung der Fahrschulerlaubnis

Durchführungsverordnung zum Fahrlehrergesetz:

  • § 3 Unterrichtsräume
  • § 4 Lehrmittel
  • § 5 Lehrfahrzeuge für Fahrschüler

Release note

Machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 28.02.2025


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32