town hall
Procedure descriptions

Apply for a waste producer number

As a company, you must comply with certain registration and verification obligations when handling hazardous waste.

If you have to dispose of more than 2 tonnes of hazardous waste per year, you need a waste producer number.

The waste producer number

  • is a nine-digit identification number that you need as a waste producer or waste owner in order to be able to keep the records required for the disposal of hazardous waste,
  • identifies the place where the waste is produced or accumulates,
  • is required, among other things, to be able to participate in the electronic waste records procedure (eANV).

You need a waste producer number for waste disposal bills and consignment notes. You also need the number for entry in the so-called transfer note if waste is collected and disposed of with a collective waste disposal certificate. A maximum of 20 tonnes per calendar year, source and waste code is permitted for this.

If you have several operating sites where hazardous waste is generated, you must apply for a separate waste producer number for each site.

Responsible department

SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH





You can only apply for the waste producer number electronically via the eNRV online service. The number will be allocated to you once you have submitted your application.



Required documents

Electronic application via the online service for applying for waste authorisation numbers (eNRV).


Costs of EUR 2.50 - EUR 50 are incurred per number

Processing time

1 to 4 weeks


Your personal contacts at SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH by district

In the electronic waste records procedure (eANV) and in commercially available software, the request and management of consignment note and transfer note numbers is fully automated without any user intervention.

In the event of a move, the previous producer number may become invalid. Please therefore inform SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württtemberg GmbH of your old and new address and the date of your move.

In the event of a company name change, the previous producer number remains valid if there is no change in legal identity. Please inform SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH of the name change and the date of the change.

Release note

Machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 09.12.2024


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32