town hall
Procedure descriptions

Apply for an old-age pension for severely disabled people

With the old-age pension for severely disabled people, you can receive an old-age pension before reaching the standard retirement age with or without a reduction of up to 10.8 per cent.

Before you submit your pension application, you should clarify your insurance history. This will enable you to complete any missing pensionable periods and have an account clarification carried out (which you can apply for at the German Pension Insurance).

Please note: You are still entitled to a pension even if your status as a severely disabled person is cancelled while you are drawing your pension.

Responsible department

Your pension insurance provider



You have

  • fulfilled the severely disabled status at the start of your pension,
  • reached the minimum insurance period (qualifying period) of 35 years and
  • you have reached the relevant age.

Severely disabled persons are all persons with a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 50.

You must provide evidence of your severe disability at the start of your pension in the form of a severely disabled person's pass or certificate. You must apply for this at the relevant pension office.

The waiting period of 35 years includes

  • Periods of compulsory contributions for an insured occupation or activity,
  • Periods with voluntary contributions,
  • Substitute periods,
  • Credited periods (e.g. school, technical college and university periods, periods of unemployment benefit, periods of sickness benefit),
  • Periods taken into account due to caring for and raising children,
  • Waiting period months from pension equalisation or pension splitting,
  • Qualifying period months from supplements of earnings points for earnings from marginal employment not subject to insurance, and,
  • Waiting period months from supplements of earnings points for earnings from marginal employment for which employees are exempt from compulsory insurance and
  • Additional periods.

If you were born between 1952 and 1964, the age limit for an old-age pension without deductions for severely disabled people will be gradually raised from 63 to 65.

If you were born in 1964 or later, the age limit is 65. However, you can also claim the old-age pension for severely disabled people early - at the earliest three years before reaching the age limit for an old-age pension without deductions for severely disabled people - with a reduction (maximum 10.8 per cent).

This pension reduction can be offset by a special payment.


You can apply for the old-age pension for severely disabled people in writing, in person or online.

Written pension application:

  • Download the application form for the old-age pension for severely disabled people from the German Pension Insurance website. Complete the form in full and compile the required documents.
  • You can send your completed and signed application with the required documents either
    • by post to your pension insurance provider or
    • hand it in at one of the local information and advice centres.

Online pension application:

  • Visit the German Pension Insurance online portal. Select the Online Services section and then the Application section.
  • Complete the online form for the old-age pension for severely disabled people and upload the necessary documents. Then submit your pension application online.

Apply in person during a counselling interview:

  • Compile the documents required for the application and make an appointment at a German Pension Insurance information and advice centre.
  • During the counselling session, your pension application will be recorded and forwarded electronically.

Alternatively, you can also submit your pension application to your local or municipal administration or to an insured person's elder or counsellor.


  • Applying for your pension: by the end of the third calendar month after the end of the month in which you fulfil the conditions for entitlement.
  • Payment of the old-age pension: from the calendar month at the beginning of which you fulfil the conditions for entitlement to the pension.

Note: If you apply for the old-age pension later, it will be paid from the calendar month in which you applied for the pension.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • National insurance number
  • Severely disabled person's pass or certificate
  • Bank details (IBAN, BIC)
  • Tax ID (tax identification number)
  • Birth certificates of children or family register (also for fathers - important for contributions to pensioners' long-term care insurance)
  • Address of your current health insurance company and your insurance number
  • if you are currently receiving social benefits: Address and reference number of the paying body (e.g. health insurance fund, employment agency, job centre or employers' liability insurance association)
  • if a person you trust is making the application on your behalf: Power of attorney or care certificate



Processing time

If all the necessary documents are available, the application will be processed promptly.

Legal basis

Sozialgesetzbuch Sechstes Buch (SGB VI):

  • § 37 Altersrente für schwerbehinderte Menschen
  • § 236a Altersrente für schwerbehinderte Menschen

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 03.02.2025


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32