Apply for integration assistance for people with disabilities
The purpose of integration assistance is to enable people with disabilities to lead individualised lives and to participate fully, effectively and equally in society. It should enable people with disabilities to plan and lead their lives as independently and autonomously as possible.
Integration assistance services can include
- Medical rehabilitation services,
- Services for participation in working life,
- Services for participation in education and
- Services for social participation.
The benefits include, for example:
- Assistance with attending a day care centre or school,
- Benefits for training and further education for a profession,
- Employment services in a workshop for disabled people (WfbM), with other service providers or with private and public employers,
- Assistance services,
- curative education services,
- Mobility services,
- Aids and
- Visiting allowances.
Integration assistance benefits are provided in kind, in cash or in the form of services. In principle, this is also possible in the form of a personal budget.
Integration assistance benefits are determined according to individual needs, which are determined in a dialogue between the person with disabilities and the responsible integration assistance provider.
Responsible department
Your social welfare office.
This is,
- if you live in an urban district: the city administration (town hall)
- if you live in a rural district: the district administration office.
Note: Some rural districts have transferred responsibility to larger towns in their district. If this is the case, the district office will tell you which authority is responsible.
People with disabilities are people who have physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with attitudinal and environmental barriers, are very likely to prevent them from participating in society on an equal basis with others for more than six months.
An impairment exists if the physical and health condition deviates from the condition typical for the person's age. People are at risk of disability if such an impairment is to be expected.
Firstly, make an appointment with the social welfare office of the city or district in which you live.
The social welfare office will advise you on the benefits of integration assistance and other service providers. The support includes, among other things, help with the application process and assistance in clarifying if other agencies are responsible.
As a rule, the social welfare office will conduct a detailed interview to determine your needs. This will focus on your wishes and goals. We will also discuss together what you can do independently and in which areas you would like or need support.
The social welfare office may not be responsible for all the benefits applied for or for all the needs identified. Therefore, other agencies or services may be involved in a further step as part of the overall and participation plan procedure. This can only be done with your consent. Your social welfare office will advise you on this. Also if additional services could or must be applied for from other organisations. The social welfare office will discuss with you how you can make this application and which documents are required.
Once the specific benefits have been determined, the social welfare office will draw up an overall plan with you, which will be reviewed and updated regularly, at least every two years. The overall plan summarises your wishes and goals, the specific services, the agencies that provide the services and the duration of the services. In the final step, you will receive a decision on this basis.
Please contact the social welfare office as early as possible. They will tell you by when you have to submit which documents and which deadlines you have to meet. As a rule, it is not possible to assert claims retroactively.
Required documents
Depending on the benefit applied for, various documents are required, for example
- Proof of income (e.g. pension statements, certificates of earnings)
- Proof of expenditure
- Proof of assets (e.g. savings books, building society savings contracts)
- medical reports and documents.
Note: Ask the social welfare office which documents you need to submit before submitting your application.
If you have sufficient income and assets, depending on the benefit in question, you may be asked to contribute to the expenses or use your assets. Your social welfare office will also advise you on this.
Processing time
The processing time depends on the specifics of the individual case. It helps to speed up processing if you can submit current medical reports on findings and diagnoses, care reports, rehabilitation reports or educational and therapeutic reports.
You can find information on needs assessment at Needs assessment: Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration Baden-Württemberg (
Legal basis
Neuntes Buch Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB IX):
- Teil 2 Eingliederungshilferecht
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 05.02.2025