town hall
Procedure descriptions

Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of training

If you are a citizen of a non-EU or non-EEA country, you will need a residence permit for training purposes in Germany. With this permit you may

  • take part in language courses that do not prepare you for university (intensive language course in German),
  • undergo in-company training and further training if the Federal Employment Agency agrees.

The residence permit can be issued for participation in a student exchange programme and, in exceptional cases, for attending a school.

Note: If you are not yet in possession of a training or study place, you can obtain a residence permit to look for a training or study place.

Attention: If you are staying in Germany for training purposes, you cannot obtain a settlement permit. However, half of the time during which you were in possession of a residence permit for study or training purposes will be counted towards the time required for a settlement permit.

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

  • for the issue of a national visa before entering Germany: the German diplomatic mission abroad (embassy, consulate)
  • after entering Germany: the foreigners authority
    The foreigners authority is if you
    • live in an urban district or in a large district town: the municipal administration
    • if you live in a town or municipality belonging to a district: the district administration.

Tip: The Federal Foreign Office provides a list of German missions abroad on its website.



In order to obtain a residence permit, you must fulfil the following requirements:

  • You fulfil the passport and visa requirements.
    For the passport requirement, it is sufficient if you have a replacement identity document.
  • Your livelihood is secured.
  • There are no grounds for deportation against you.
  • Your stay does not jeopardise or impair the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • You fulfil the admission requirements for the relevant training, for example the required language skills.


Before travelling to Germany, you must apply for a national visa in your home country. Citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America can enter Germany without a visa and apply for a residence permit in Germany.

After entering the country, you must apply for a residence permit in writing to the immigration authority responsible for you before your visa expires.

Please note: If the approval of the Federal Employment Agency is required, for example in the case of in-company training and further education, the immigration authority will obtain this in an internal administrative procedure.

You will then receive either the desired residence permit or a notice of refusal.

The residence permit for the purpose of training is limited in time and is only valid for this purpose of residence. If the purpose of your stay changes, you must inform the competent authority immediately.

You must apply for an extension of the residence permit in good time before it expires.



Required documents

Proof that

  • You fulfil the passport and visa requirements
  • Your livelihood is secured
  • there are no grounds for deportation against you
  • You do not jeopardise or impair the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • You fulfil the admission requirements for the training (in the original)

In addition:

  • Training contract
  • Training plan
  • Registration of the training company with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), if required
  • Language skills:
    It is the responsibility of the employer and the vocational school to check whether the required language skills are available.

    The Skilled Immigration Act came into force on 1 March 2020. According to this law, you must generally provide proof of sufficient language skills at level B1 for qualified vocational training. This proof should be provided by submitting suitable language certificates.


You will be issued a residence permit for the first time: EUR 100.00

Processing time

You can enquire about the processing time for the visa procedure at the German diplomatic missions abroad at the diplomatic mission responsible for you.


You would like to complete part of your training here and have already received a residence permit for training purposes in another EU member state: In most cases, you will also receive a residence permit for Germany.

You have a residence permit for other purposes (e.g. for family reasons) or a settlement permit: In this case, you can start training in Germany without an additional residence permit.

If you complete a qualified, at least two-year vocational training programme in Germany, you are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week, regardless of the training. Once you have successfully completed your qualified vocational training, the authorities can extend your residence permit by up to 18 months under certain conditions. During this time

  • you can look for a job appropriate to your qualification, provided that it can be filled by foreign nationals, and
  • may work without restriction.

Citizens of EU member states can complete training in Germany on the basis of their right to freedom of movement. They must provide proof of adequate health insurance cover and a means of subsistence if they are not gainfully employed. This also applies to other nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Swiss nationals.

You will receive the residence permit in the form of a cheque card with additional electronic functions (electronic residence permit/eAT).

Legal basis

Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG):

  • § 5 Allgemeine Erteilungsvoraussetzungen
  • § 7 Aufenthaltserlaubnis
  • § 8 Verlängerung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis
  • § 16a Berufsausbildung; berufliche Weiterbildung
  • § 16f Sprachkurse und Schulbesuch
  • § 20 Arbeitsplatzsuche für Fachkräfte

Aufenthaltsverordnung (AufenthV):

  • § 45 Gebühren für die Aufenthaltserlaubnis, die Blaue Karte EU, die ICT-Karte und die Mobiler-ICT-Karte

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Justizministerium Baden-Württemberg, 30.01.2025


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32