town hall
Procedure descriptions

Applying for an export registration number

Do you wish to take your vehicle abroad permanently? Then you require an international registration with an export registration number.

Note: Once you have received an export registration number, you are obliged to pay taxes for the duration of its validity (at least one month). Should you not have a bank account in Germany, please make enquires of your licensing authority concerning the procedures for payment of vehicle tax.

Responsible department

The licensing authorities in whose area you have your principal place of residence, company headquarters or branch office.

The licensing authorities are

  • for an urban district (Stadtkreis): the city council (Stadtverwaltung)
  • for a rural district (Landkreis): the rural district office (Landratsamt)



The requirements for the registration of the vehicle are as follows:

  • You must not have any fees and expenses outstanding from previous registration processes.
    In case of payment arrears of more than 30 euros, the licensing authorities may not register your vehicle until you have settled the amount. In case of payment arrears of less than 30 euros, the licensing authorities can decide whether they will register the vehicle anyway or not.
  • You may not have any vehicle excise duty debts of 5 euros or more. When calculating the amount, default supplements, interest and lateness surcharges are taken into account.
  • Should somebody represent you during the registration process of your vehicle, you must issue them with written power of attorney. This power of attorney must contain a statement of consent that the licensing authorities may inform the representing person of outstanding fees and charges on your part. Your representative must show the power of attorney and identify himself or herself.
  • The vehicle must have valid proof of the main inspection (MI) by the end date of the export registration. Should the due date be before the main inspection, you must submit the inspection report of an officially recognised monitoring organisation concerning the new main inspection.


You or your representative must apply for the issuing of an export registration at the competent licensing authority. Depending on what is offered by your licensing authority, a form for downloading or an online service via the Internet are available.

The licensing authority may request that you show the vehicle.

Should the vehicle have been previously registered, the licensing authority will cancel the previous registration number. You will then receive the export registration number for the duration of the third party liability insurance, for a maximum of one year.

Tip: You can obtain the registration plates from private providers. You can usually find these near the licensing authorities.

Required documents

  • Valid personal identity document or passport
  • Additionally in case of representation:
    • Written power of attorney
    • Valid personal identity document or passport of the representative
    • In case of minors: additional declaration consent and identity documents of the parents/guardians
  • In case of legal persons/companies:
  • SEPA direct debit mandate for payment of vehicle tax (Erklärung zum Einzug der Kraftfahrzeugsteuer (SEPA-Lastschriftmandat))
  • Certification of registration part I (previously: registration certificate)
  • Certification of registration part II (previously: registration certificate)
  • Confirmation of insurance for vehicles to be exported
  • Proof of a valid main inspection (MI) by means of the last MI report, in case of registered vehicles: additional registration number
  • In case of vehicles which are put out of service: additional old vehicle documents and, if applicable, a confirmation of de-registration issued prior to 1 October 2005

Note: Disabled persons with the mark "H", "BI" or "aG" in their disabled person's identity document continue to be exempted from vehicle excise duty. They do not need to provide a direct debit mandate.

Note: The confirmation of insurance concerning the third party liability policy can be obtained from the insurance company of your choice. You can usually request this by telephone. The insurance will be automatically informed.


Depending on time taken for administration: from 26.80 EUR

Note: Additional costs will be incurred for the number plates.


The Federal Customs Administration has been responsible for the taxation of vehicles since February 2014. Information and forms concerning the subject of "vehicle tax" can be found on the Internet pages of the Customs Administration.


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32