town hall
Procedure descriptions

Requesting the excavation of a road for pipe laying

You can have new lines for electricity, gas or telecommunications laid. You need a permit for this if a public road has to be dug up.

Responsible department

the road construction authority

Depending on the location where a new pipeline is to be laid, the responsible road construction authority is the municipal/city administration or the district office.



The requirements are:

  • The planned pipe laying affects the public road space.
  • There are no public law regulations that conflict with the project.


You must submit the "Application for authorisation to excavate public road space" in writing to the relevant road construction authority. An application formis available in many municipalities on the Gemunicipality homepage as a Available for download.

Depending on your construction project, you may need to inform other authorities and companies. For example, you must inform the relevant transport companies if public transport stops are affected. Depending on the type of work, you may need a permit from the road traffic authority.

The competent authority will review your application and inform you of its decision in an authorisation or rejection notice.

It may attach certain conditions to the authorisation, for example that That you take certain safety measures take mustsmeasures.


The authorisation is only valid for a certain period of time. If the start of construction is delayed, you must inform the competent authority as soon as possible.

Required documents

  • a site plan
  • a plan showing the traffic routing at the construction site
  • after completion of the work: an up-to-date plan showing the route of all pipes

The competent authority may request further documents.


Digging up the road surface to lay public supply lines usually only takes a short time. It therefore does not impair the road's intended use for vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

Legal basis

Straßengesetz (StrG)

  • § 16 StrG (Sondernutzung)
  • § 21 StrG (Sonstige Benutzung)

Bundesfernstraßengesetz (FStrG)

  • § 8 Sondernutzungen

Richtlinien für die Benutzung der Bundesfernstraßen in der Baulast des Bundes (Nutzungsrichtlinien)

Telekommunikationsgesetz (TKG)

§ 127 Verlegung und Änderung von Telekommunikationsrichtlinien

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 19.07.2024


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32