town hall
Procedure descriptions

Deregister trade

If you wish to discontinue the operation of your trade, you are obliged to deregister your trade.

The same applies if you move the head office of your business or a branch office or dependent branch of your business to a new location and this results in the jurisdiction of a different municipality. First deregister your trade or business at the previous location. Then register it again at the new location.

If you change the legal form of your business, you must also deregister your business. First you must deregister your business under the previous legal form. You then re-register your business under the new legal form.
If you move the head office of your business or a branch office or dependent branch of your business to a new location without changing the jurisdiction within the municipality, a business re-registration is sufficient.
The deregistration must be carried out by the following persons or their authorised representatives:

  • in the case of sole traders, by the trader himself/herself,
  • in the case of corporations (e.g. GmbH, AG) by the legal representatives.

In the case of partnerships (e.g. OHG, KG, GbR/BGB-Gesellschaft, GmbH & Co. KG), trade deregistration must be carried out by all partners authorised to manage the business.

Responsible department

the municipal/city administration of the previous place of business



  • Liquidation of your business or
  • Transfer of your registered office or the registered office of a branch or dependent branch outside the previous municipality, or
  • Change of the legal form of your business


You can deregister your trade in person, in writing (for example, by fax or letter) or by electronic procedure. You can also deregister via the network of single points of contact.

  • If you deregister in person or in writing, you must complete the form "Gewerbe-Abmeldung" - GewA 3 and sign it personally.
    • The form "GewA 3" is available at the office responsible for deregistration or, depending on the offer, can also be downloaded.
  • The same data is collected in the electronic procedure as in the personal deregistration. However, it is possible to deviate from the form and you do not have to sign it personally.
  • The office responsible for deregistration may use suitable and appropriate procedures to establish your identity in the case of electronic deregistration in the online procedure (for example, PIN/TAN procedures, the electronic ID function, De-Mail or a self-declaration of identity).
  • You will receive a certificate from the authority for the receipt of your trade deregistration.
  • The office responsible for deregistration forwards the trade deregistration to other offices, such as the tax office, the employers' liability insurance association, the chamber of crafts or the chamber of industry and commerce and, if applicable, the registration court.


You are obliged to deregister your business at the time of dissolution of the business or at the time of transfer of the business to the jurisdiction of another municipality or change of legal form.

Required documents

  • Copy of identity card or passport with certificate of registration, or presentation on site. In the case of electronic business re-registration, depending on the municipality, further suitable and appropriate procedures for establishing identity (for example PIN/TAN procedure, the electronic ID function, De-Mail or a self-declaration of identity).
  • Copy of the extract from the commercial register, if your company is registered in the commercial register (also: register of cooperatives, register of associations)


The amount of the fees is determined by the municipal fee statutes.

Processing time

If you have filled out the form correctly and your documents are complete, the authority will certify receipt of your deregistration immediately if you come in person. If you deregister in writing or electronically, you will receive the receipt of your trade deregistration within 3 days.


If the cessation of the business is clear and you do not deregister your trade, the deregistration is carried out ex officio.

Release note

  • 26.09.2023 Wirtschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32