town hall
Procedure descriptions

Show cross-border provision of services by craftsmen from other EU/EEA states

To exercise a craft trade in Germany, you must comply with the legal provisions of the Crafts Code (HwO). Which professions belong to a craft or a craft-like trade can be found in Annexes A, B1 and B2 of the HwO.

If you are a craftsperson from the following states, have a business there and wish to carry out temporary work in Germany, you must observe certain regulations:

  • other member states of the European Union (EU)
  • another contracting state to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland

Trades and crafts similar to trades that do not require a licence

The self-employed activityin Germany does not require a specific professional qualification. The crafts and trades concerned are listed in Annexes B1 and B2 to the Crafts Code. Foreign businesses can therefore carry out this work without having to prove certain prerequisites to the Chambers of Skilled Crafts beforehand or having to notify the activity.

Crafts requiring authorisation

Nationals of one of the above-mentionedare permitted to provide services on a temporary and occasional basis. To do so, you must meet certain requirements if the craft in question is subject to authorisation. The crafts concerned are listed in Annex A to the Crafts Code. You must notify the Chamber of Skilled Crafts of the exercise of a craft requiring authorisation.

Responsible department

the Chamber of Skilled Crafts in whose district the place where the service is first provided is located



You may temporarily or occasionally provide services in Germany in a craft subject to authorisation. To do so, you must be legally established in one of the aforementioned states to carry out a comparable activity. Further requirements are:

  • You have a certain qualification from your state of establishment in which the activity must be regulated. This qualification must be a prerequisite for the activity in your state of establishment.
  • The activity is not regulated in your country of establishment, but the training is regulated by the state and you have successfully completed this training.
  • The exercise of the activity in question is neither regulated in your state of establishment nor is there any state-regulated training for it. In addition, you have actually and lawfully exercised the activity in the state of establishment as full-time employment for at least one year or as equivalent part-time employment. This professional experience may not date back more than ten years at the time of notification of the intended service.

Special regulation

In the case of the following occupational groups, the competent Chamber of Skilled Crafts may verify your professional qualification if you intend to provide the service for the first time:

  • Chimney sweepers
  • Opticians
  • Hearing aid acousticians
  • Orthopaedic technicians
  • Orthopaedic shoemakers
  • Dental technicians

The purpose of the examination is to exclude serious risks to the health or safety of service recipients due to inadequate qualifications.

Services in the above-mentioned crafts may only be provided once the competent Chamber of Crafts has notified

  • that no re-examination of the professional qualification is intended, or
  • when sufficient professional qualification has been established.


You must submit the notification in writing to the competent authority. It must be signed by hand or provided with a qualified electronic signature.

If the aforementioned requirements are met, the service may be provided immediately after the notification. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from the competent authority. This will certify that the requirements for providing the service have been met.

Services of the activities listed under special regulations may only be provided if

  • the competent Chamber of Skilled Crafts and Small Businesses has indicated that no subsequent examination of the professional qualification is intended, or
  • a sufficient professional qualification has been established.


  • Notification of the activity: before the service is provided for the first time
  • Repeat notification (simple letter): every twelve months
  • Notification of significant changes in circumstances: immediately in writing
  • In case of necessary verification: proof of the required knowledge by aptitude test within one month

Note: If there is any doubt about the authenticity of the documents, the expiry of the time limit is suspended.

Required documents

  • Copy of identity card or comparable identification document
  • Proof of registration or other proof of your legal establishment in the country of origin
  • Certificate of competence or proof of professional practice
  • completed form "Notification of cross-border activity



Processing time

Acknowledgement of receipt by the Chamber of Crafts: within one month after receipt of the notification and all documents

Special scheme

The following applies to the services of the special regulation

  • Notification of the result of the examination of the documents by the Chamber of Skilled Crafts: within one month after receipt of the notification and all documents
  • In the event of delay: indication of the reasons and timetable for the decision by the Chamber of Skilled Crafts
  • Notification of the result of the review by the Chamber of Skilled Crafts: within two months after receipt of the notification and all documents



Detailed information

On the pages of the European Commission you will find a"Regulated professions database" where you can search (also country by country) for regulated professions.

Release note

21.09.2023  Baden-Württembergische Handwerkstag e. V.


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32