town hall
Procedure descriptions

Take advantage of early detection examinations for children and adolescents

In Baden-Württemberg, you as the legal guardian are obliged to have your child medically examined ten times.

U1: directly after the birth

U2: 3rd to 10th day of life

U3: 4th to 5th week of life

U4: 3rd to 4th month of life

U5: 6th to 7th month of life

U6: at 1 year (10th to 12th month of life)

U7: at 2 years (21st to 24th month of life)

U7a: at 3 years (34 to 36 months of age)

U8: at 4 years (46th to 48th month of life)

U9: at 5 years (60th to 64th month of life)

The obligation to attend the examinations applies regardless of how parents and child are insured. It is regulated in the Baden-Württemberg Child Protection Act.

The aim of the examinations is the early detection of illnesses, developmental disorders and disabilities that jeopardise the normal physical, emotional or mental development of the child. Therapies or support can thus be initiated in good time. You are also entitled to an adolescent health check-up (J1).

The adolescent health check-up (J1) also covers topics such as puberty, sexuality, contraception, school development and health-endangering behaviour (alcohol, smoking, drugs). The examination offers young people the opportunity to have questions on health and psychosocial issues answered, often for the first time without their parents being present.

Responsible department

  • a paediatric practice of your choice
  • a general practitioner's practice of your choice
  • an internal medicine practice with general practitioner care of your choice
  • for examinations to be carried out later: the health authorities



You and your child live in Germany.


If you give birth in a hospital, the hospital will carry out the U1 and U2 automatically.

If you have a home birth, an outpatient delivery or leave the hospital early, you will have to organise these examinations yourself. A paediatrician will carry out these examinations. Make sure they are carried out on time!

The scheduled dates for the examinations are noted in the paediatric examination booklet. You will receive the yellow child examination booklet with a participation card at one of the first examinations at the hospital or from your paediatrician. All examination results are entered in this booklet. Keep the paediatric examination booklet in a safe place and bring it with you to every examination. At the school enrolment examination, you must present proof that your child has taken part in the early detection examinations.

You must present your health insurance card or a treatment card for the examinations.

Important: If you have missed an examination and the next regular screening examination cannot take place for another month or later, you must make up for it.


The scheduled dates can be found in the child examination booklet .

Required documents

  • Insurance card
  • Vaccination booklet
  • yellow examination booklet
  • Attendance card


  • Examinations U1 to U9 (including U7a) and J1: no costs for those with statutory health insurance
  • additional early detection examinations U10 and U11 as well as J2: Parents of children with statutory health insurance must pay for these examinations themselves. The respective health insurance fund may reimburse part of the costs.


Vaccination counselling and, if necessary, vaccinations also take place as part of the check-ups.

The Federal Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) recommends further early detection examinations for children and adolescents (U10, U11, J2) as individual health services. You will receive a separate check-up booklet for this.

Legal basis

  • Richtlinie des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses zur Jugendgesundheitsuntersuchung
  • Kinderschutzgesetz Baden-Württemberg

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 30.10.2024


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32