town hall
Procedure descriptions

Apply for an electronic residence permit (eAT)

You will receive the residence permit as a cheque card with additional electronic functions. Babies and children also receive their own card. The eAT has a contactless chip inside the card. It stores

  • biometric features (photo, two fingerprints from the age of six),
  • Ancillary provisions in connection with the residence permit (e.g. conditions) and
  • personal data.

The card offers you the following additional functions

  • electronic proof of identity and
  • a qualified electronic signature (electronic signature function).

The competent authority can switch these functions on or off at your request.

The eAT includes the following residence permits:

  • Residence permit
  • EU Blue Card
  • Settlement permit
  • EU permanent residence permit
  • Residence card for third-country nationals who are family members of nationals of an EU or EEA state
  • Permanent residence card for third-country nationals who are family members of nationals of an EU or EEA state
  • Residence permit for Swiss nationals and their family members from third countries if they opt for an eAT
  • ICT card
  • Mobile ICT card

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

the Foreigners' Registration Office

The Foreigners' Registration Office is

  • if you live in an urban district or in a large district town: the municipal administration
  • if you live in a district municipality: the district administration office



Please note: A residence permit as an adhesive label in your passport or your passport replacement documents, which already existed before 31 August 2011, must now be issued as an eAT. Adhesive labels are still possible in exceptional cases and only for temporary use.


You must apply for the electronic residence permit in person at the relevant office. Your fingerprints will be taken on the spot. Children aged six and over must also give their fingerprints.


Apply for the electronic residence permit in cheque card format in good time before your previous residence permit or travel document expires.

Required documents

  • Passport or passport replacement documents
  • a biometric passport photo
  • other documents, depending on the previous procedures

Enquire in advance at the relevant office which documents you need to submit.


  • Issuing a residence permit or ICT card: EUR 100.00
  • Extension of the residence permit or ICT card for up to three months: EUR 96.00
  • Extension of the residence permit or ICT card for more than three months: EUR 93.00
  • Settlement permit: EUR 113.00
  • Permanent residence permit-EG: EUR 109.00
  • Settlement permit for highly qualified persons: EUR 147.00
  • Settlement permit for the exercise of a self-employed activity: EUR 124.00
  • Issuing a mobile ICT card: EUR 80.00
  • Extension of a mobile ICT card: EUR 70.00
  • Fee for reissue (e.g. when the validity period of the previous passport or passport replacement document expires): EUR 67.00


You can use the electronic residence permit in the same way as the identity card for German nationals. Detailed information on the electronic use of the card can be found on the website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

Detailed information

You can find all you need to know about the electronic residence title in various languages on the internet page of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

Legal basis

Aufenthaltsverordnung (AufenthV):

  • § 44 Gebühren für die Niederlassungserlaubnis
  • § 44a Gebühren für die Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EG
  • § 45 Gebühren für die Aufenthaltserlaubnis, die Blaue Karte EU, die ICT-Karte und die Mobiler-ICT-Karte
  • § 45c Gebühr bei Neuausstellung
  • § 61h Anwendung der Personalausweisverordnung

Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG):

  • § 78 Dokumente mit elektronischem Speicher- und Verarbeitungsmedium
  • § 78a Vordrucke für Aufenthaltstitel in Ausnahmefällen, Ausweisersatz und Bescheinigungen

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Justizministerium Baden-Württemberg, 16.01.2025


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32