town hall
Procedure descriptions

Voters' register (Bundestag election) - applying for registration of Germans living in Germany

An official electoral roll is kept for each electoral district.
Only those who are entered in the electoral roll can exercise their right to vote.

The basis for entry in the electoral roll is the municipality's population register.
Citizens who have their main place of residence in the municipality on the 42nd day before the Bundestag election are automatically entered in the voters' register.
The municipality sends out a polling card at least three weeks before election day.

Citizens who move or establish a new home after this deadline are not automatically entered in the electoral roll of the new place of residence.
You can apply to be entered in the electoral roll for the electoral district of the place you are moving to. If you move within the municipality, it is generally not possible to transfer to the electoral roll of the new electoral district. The only exception to this is if the move within the municipality also involves a move to another constituency.

Please note: Such an application can also be submitted by persons without a home who usually reside in Germany.

Responsible department

the municipality in which you are moving to (if you have more than one home, your main home)

Note: If you have no home, the municipality in which you submit the application is responsible.



You assume that you are eligible to vote in the Bundestag election.

All Germans within the meaning of the Basic Law who

  • are at least 18 years old on election day,
  • have lived in Germany for at least three months or otherwise usually reside in Germany and
  • are not excluded from the right to vote.


You can apply for entry in the electoral roll in writing to the competent authority.

It must contain at least the following information and be signed by hand:

  • First name and surname
  • Date of birth
  • Exact address of the voter or person entitled to vote
  • Formulation "Application for entry in the voters' register"

The municipality will then check your eligibility to vote. If the check is successful, you will be entered on the electoral roll.

Please note: Persons who are unable to submit the application themselves can be assisted by another person. This may be necessary, for example, if the applicant cannot read or is physically impaired. The assisting person must then also sign the application.


You must submit the application no later than 21 days before the election, i.e. no later than 2 February 2025.

Required documents



The corresponding postage will be charged for sending the application for entry in the electoral roll by post to the municipality.


You can inspect the electoral roll from 3 February 2025 to 7 February 2025 (20th to 16th day before the election) on working days during the general opening hours of your municipality.

Legal basis

Grundgesetz (GG):

  • Artikel 116 Absatz 1

Bundeswahlgesetz (BWahlG):

  • § 14 Ausübung des Wahlrechts
  • § 17 Wählerverzeichnis und Wahlschein

Bundeswahlordnung (BWO):

  • §§ 14 - 24 Wählerverzeichnis

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, 16.01.2025


Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Grabenstraße 9
89522 Heidenheim an der Brenz
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32