Life situations
Almost half of all the citizens in Baden-Württemberg are involved on a voluntary or civic basis. This is more than in any of the other Federal States. The scope ranges from sport to culture, from tradition to environmental protection. Read more about it here.
Detailed information
- The Justizministerium in Baden-Württemberg has published a legal guide on the law of associations which give you an initial guideline on issues concerning the law of associations.
- brochure "Steuertipps für gemeinnützige Vereine" (Tax Tips for Charitable Associations)
- Information on the employment of employees in an association is provided by the guide "Civil Society" (Bürgergesellschaft). Information on the employment of staff can also be found in the aspect of daily life "Employer".
- All charitable organisations (including many associations) have the possibility to insure their elected honorary officials (e.g. executive board of the association, treasurers or sports managers) against the consequences of accidents. These groups of people can be voluntarily insured with the statutory accident insurance company Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG).
- Ehrenamt im Sport
- Datenschutz im Verein
Bürger- und Standesamt (Bürgeramt)
Telefon (0 73 21) 3 27-33 42
Fax (0 73 21) 3 23-33 32