Life situations
Liberal professions with licence requirements
You may only exercise specific liberal professions (e.g. doctor, lawyer, tax consultant, court interpreter) if you meet certain requirements (e.g. specific qualifications) and you have a licence to exercise the profession.
In addition to the licence, there are also specific professional obligations and in many professions particular requirements regarding social insurance.
To the procedures and services
- Academic health professions - applying for recognition of continuing education
- Admissions committee - applying for admission as a panel doctor
- Admission to the bar as a practising lawyer
- Apply for a licence to practise medicine
- Applying for admission as a European lawyer to the Bar Association
- Applying for a licence to practise as a veterinarian from a third country
- Applying for approval for a law firm
- Applying for a temporary professional permit as a vet
- Applying for membership of the State Chamber of Psychotherapists
- Carrying out a registration for the doctors', dentists' and vets' pension scheme
- Chamber of Engineers - Registration in the list of consulting engineers
- Chamber of Tax Consultants - Appointment as tax consultant
- Contracted dentist - apply for admission
- European lawyer - apply for admission to the qualifying examination
- Health insurance for freelancers
- High-pressure gas pipelines - Apply for recognition as an expert
- Interpreter and translator database - Apply for admission for temporary work (interpreters, translators from other EU/EEA countries)
- Interpreters, translators with place of residence or business in Baden-Württemberg
- Landesapothekerkammer - Register for membership
- Landeszahnärztekammer - Register membership
- Medical register - Apply for registration
- Pension fund for architects - registering as a member
- Pension fund for engineers - registering as a member
- Pension fund for lawyers - registering as a member
- Pension fund for psychotherapists - registering as a member
- Pension fund for tax consultants - registering as a member
- Registering with the List of Architects (Architektenliste)
- Register of dentists - apply for registration
- Registration in the list of architects
- Social insurance - having compulsory insurance determined (status determination)
- State professional body of doctors - registration of membership
- State Professional Body of Vets - registration of membership
- Test engineer for building engineering - Recognition
- Translators and interpreters residing or doing business in other countries - applying for administration of the oath
Release note
The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Wirtschaftsministerium released it on 09.03.2020. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts. In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.